Community Support

Connect with others who’ve shared similar experiences—we can help each other stay happy, healthy, and hopeful every day.

Treatment Facilitaion

Your search is over. Through our shared experiences and industry network, our team will help you get you the help that you need.


The first step of change is eduction. We strive to inform consumers about the risk of off-label product and pharmaceutical use.

women at the Jennifer Stanich-Banmiller foundation holding hands
Who we are

The Banmiller Foundation helps women and adolescents injured by pharmaceutical drugs and products put on the market for off-label use

We all want to help but the fact is there just is not enough infrastructure,doctors and places to facilitate the help.

Our Foundation aims to:

  • Educate the public about the dangers of off-label use.
  • Support those catastrophically affected by pharmaceutical drugs.
  • Help facilitate treatment and recovery.
  • Care for those lost in the system.
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Our Difference

The Jennifer Stanich-Banmiller Foundation Meets Your Needs

"I am living temporarily in Olivehurst, Ca after evacuating from the camp fire. I lost my home and work place as well as all of my photo albums, favorite clothing and bedding. Thank you for all you are doing to help and support us after all of this" - Breanna Campbell

Learn more about how we help support communities.

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Care package with umbrella and water bottle in rememberance of paradise fire courtesy of Jennifer Stanich-Banmiller

Copyright 2022 Banmiller Organization